The Wild Felid Research & Management Association

WFA Membership

Become a WFA Member or Renew your Membership

Membership in the WFA is beneficial to felid researchers, managers, conservationists and educators alike. The WFA offers connectivity with peers, professional meetings, and updated information on projects and news pertaining to wild felids. Annual memberships run from January 1 - December 31 or July 1 - June 30 and include 2 issues of the Wild Felid Monitor.



NEW! Latin American Standard Membership

If you live in Latin America, are not a student, and you would like the benefits of membership - including a PDF version of our biannual newsletter - this is for you!





Membership Benefits

Membership entitles you to receive the Wild Felid Monitor, WFA's biannual newsletter and premier source of current information on wild felid research, management, conservation, and education in the Western Hemisphere. Membership benefits also currently include voting privileges and access to members-only materials on this website. As the WFA continues to grow and become established, we will continue to explore additional benefits of membership, including discounts to conferences.

Membership Fees

  Standard 35 USD / year Paper version of the newsletter 
  Student 20 USD / year Paper version of the newsletter
NEW LA Standard * 15 USD / year Newsletter provided in PDF version only
  LA Student * 10 USD / year Newsletter provided in  PDF version only
  Institution 75 USD / year 2 paper copies of the newsletter as well as PDF

* Individuals from Latin American (LA) countries may opt for a standard or student membership at a reduced fee. LA students must be attending a university in Mexico, Central America, or South America. A one-year membership includes a PDF version of the biannual newsletter and voting privledges. 


New and Renewing Members who haven't completed a survey....

You can provide valuable information on your interests and areas of expertise by filling out the WFA Membership Application Form and returning it to us at:

Wild Felid Association
Attn: Membership
PO Box 272928
Fort Collins, CO 80527

*Please note that if you are a current member of WFA and have not yet filled out the survey on the application form, consider completing and submitting the survey so we might better understand your interests and how the WFA might serve those interests to be a more effective organization for you. For additional questions or concerns, Contact Us and someone will respond shortly.

Member Dues:

Payment of dues can be done online using the secure payment options below, or included as a check or money order with your completed application in the regular mail. (Sorry, credit card payments are only possible online and not for applications mailed to us.)

See our newsletter page to order back issues of the Wild Felid Monitor.



Online Secure Payment

You can either pay through a new or existing PayPal account, or by using a major credit card through the PayPal portal. Both options will be visible once you click on one of the “Add to Cart” buttons below.

Standard Membership


Student Membership


Institutional Membership


Latin American Student Membership*


*Latin American (LA) students may opt for an online membership for a reduced fee. LA students must be attending a university in Mexico, Central America, or South America. A 1-year membership includes access to the member's only pages of the website, including pdfs of Wild Felid Monitor and the membership directory. This membership does not include hard copies of the newsletter.